Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I want a do-over!

I just have to laugh about it or else I’ll cry and drink way too much chardonnay!
The twins woke up from their morning nap NOT happy. They both have red raw bums........ we are talking bright red. Every time they pass gas, black dust comes out of them. Obviously something I gave them did not agree with their little bellies. I have gotten so used to feeding a toddler I often forget they cannot handle everything he can. They are not happy with me.  Wyatt cannot even put his little bottom on the ground so he is crawling around on his hands and feet. 
I am feeling so bad. Not as bad as I did 20 minutes later when I am vacuuming under the kitchen table on my hands and knees and Wyatt starts screaming bloody murder. Somehow he has gotten his foot under the vacuum and it has taken the top layer of skin off his little foot.  He proceeds to scream for about 45 minutes. Now I am feeling terrible like a very bad mother and at the same time I’m running around the house in a panic trying to get everyone ready to get out the door for the twins 9 month doctor appointment.  It is not easy getting an appointment with our pediatrician and so you do not want to miss one. I can barely think and Wyatt has been screaming going on 50 minutes and Walter is too busy putting Smith in a headlock to sit long enough to get dressed. I open the front door in hopes of enticing him to sit long enough to finish getting ready.
Being outside has become a reward in our house.  It seems I left him outside a bit too long this time because he has gotten in the truck and pushed all the buttons. I do not realize this until I am driving through our neighborhood and the truck will not make turns. I pull over and call Scott in a panic, the truck is broken and we are definitely going to miss the appointment we have been waiting months for. He immediately asks if I am in 4 wheel drive, sure enough Walter has put us into 4 wheel drive. OK, thank you God we are on our way. Wyatt is still crying but at this point I am more concerned with the fact that I glance in the rear view mirror and realize I have totally forgotten to get ready. No concealer, hair in a pony tail, but thank you God I just found a piece of gum in my purse. This is just great! I am quickly brought back to life as Walter walks over to me to see how things are going in the front seat. CRAP! In the madness I have forgotten to buckle him in his car seat. We finally arrive at the appointment only a few minutes late and in we go. I am totally embarrassed at the red bums, my hair, yesterdays make-up, and the black dust coming out of my sons. What really made me throw up my hands was when I am chatting with the doc, not paying attention to my children and Wyatt starts bleeding from the mouth and it is dripping down his chest. I quickly snatch him up to realize he is not bleeding at all he has torn off the bloody Band-Aid from Smith toe  where he got his iron test and he now is chewing on it like a piece of gum.
I give up!
The boys get their shots, scream, look at me like they are never going to forgive me for allowing this day to happen, scream some more, and pass out in complete exhaustion.
Tomorrow cannot come soon enough!

To ease my guilt, I need to say I do not often let Walter just play by himself in the front yard and that is the first time I have ever forgotten to buckle a child in!
Having dinner with the flashing reflectors on their heads


  1. oh no!!! You deserve a bottle of wine after a morning like that.

  2. Max it's Ayers! I am SO glad I found your blog! LOVE every story so far!! I hope tomorrow is nothing like today, but what a great recap!

  3. Oh Max, I'm so sorry! I hope today is better and I hope you had that Chardonnay...you deserved it!

  4. Kim Charie told me about your family. Congratulations! I too, have 4 year old twins and a 21 month old. I have been in your shoes. I can totally relate. I'd love to tell you it gets easier, but it so hard. I've had many many days like this. Here's my theory... you are superwoman. You are doing what many women cannot do, stay at home with 3 kids. I have found that if you pour your first glass of wine at 5, by the time the kids go to bed at 8, your buzzed, it takes the edgo off. Makes you a better mom! Hang in there!!
